Around the World Book Club
Our Around the World Book Club, led by Kimberly Burton, meets the 1st Friday of each month in the Main Branch Conference Room at 12:00 pm to discuss books by authors from all around the globe.

Daytime Book Club
Daytime Book Club meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:3o pm in the Main Branch Conference Room. The group discusses a wide range of titles, from thrillers to contemporary fiction to memoirs.

Books on Tap
Books on Tap, our off site group led by Kimberly Burton, returns this August after our summer hiatus! A variety of selections are read, including thrillers, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, memoirs, and more.

New Haven True Crime Book Club
Join us for our True Crime Book Club meeting. Pick up a copy at the New Haven Branch. We will be discussing The Pale-Faced Lie by David Crowe, and enjoying a light meal.

New Haven Book Club
Our New Haven Book Club, led by Kathy Jones, meets the third Thursday of the month at 4:00pm. We will be discussing "The Hideaway" by Lauren Denton. Pick up a copy at the New Haven Branch. Light snack provided.

Saturday Morning Book Club
Saturday Morning Book Club, led by Dee Colvin, meets the fourth Saturday at 10:00 am. This month we will be reading "The Spanish Daughter" by Lorena Hughes.